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Find mentors and tap into a global network of peers for answers to pressing questions through The Hub, a private online community for IABC members only.

Why should you join?

  • IABC is a global network of communication professionals, with more than 15,000 members in 67 countries.
  • It is a great investment in your professional development at all stages of your career.
  • Membership fees amount to $203 US. This includes a US $40 registration fee.
  • It might seem like a lot, but you don’t have to pay your dues all at once; you can pay in installments.
  • March is membership month for the Barbados chapter, and that means the US $40 registration fee will be waived for new or lapsed member s who join or re-join IABC.


You can find out more at


Member Benefits

Looking for the next step in your career? Networking with other communication professionals in IABC can help you uncover the hidden job market. Post your résumé and view targeted job listings at the Jobs Centre.

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